The 2016 State of Tennessee legislative session is coming to a close. The TN Scrap Recyclers Association (TSRA) had a successful year passing the following 3 bills.
1. SB 2134/HB2339 by Sen. Bailey and Rep. Calfee is a clean-up bill from our legislation last year. The legislation ensures that scrap metal dealers and dismantlers that handle vehicles pay the one-time $500 fee to pay for a system to track salvaged vehicles. The fee sunsets in 2017
SB2134 / HB2339
2. SB 2228/HB 2169 by Sen. Sutherland and Rep. Hawk amends the definition of “liable party” in Tennessee’s Hazardous Waste Management Act of 1983 to exempt any person excluded from liability under the Superfund Recycling Equity Act. This legislation places the liability on the polluter only.
SB2228 / HB2169
3. SB 2471/HB 2473 by Sen. Bowling and Rep. Judd Matheny clarifies in the law that a motor vehicle dealer’s license is not required for a person to sell a motor vehicle to a licensed motor vehicle dismantler and recycler, a scrap metal dealer, or a scrap metal processor if such vehicle is being sold for recycling, dismantling, or scrap and if the vehicle has been signaled by the seller as a non-repairable vehicle. This puts into law what is already common practice in the industry.
SB2471 / HB2473
We also monitored and tracked other bills of interest to the scrap metal industry. We were successful in beating back other bills that were harmful to the industry. In total, we traced 22 bills on interest to the industry.